This blog is my documented opinion. This relates to lawsuit 111930/05 filed in New York County Supreme Court in Sep 2005. Also visit

I Win The Lawsuit !!!!

Note: the latest version of this blog for Natural State Research:
For my comments on Pushpendra Kumar Panchal and the sudden death of his wife Nima Aggarwal, visit my Moinuddin Sarker site.

If you are looking for Harvey Mars:

Thursday, September 20, 2007

How evil is NYC lawyer Harvey S. Mars? #5

Yet another picture to illustrate how NYC lawyer Harvey S. Mars is knowingly taking advantage of a paranoid schizophrenic that has stopped taking her meds.

Here is poor Karin Kaufman putting up her grandmother as Hitler - Hitler reincarnated into and taking control of Karin's grandmother.

What do you have to say for yourself, Harvey?

How does it feel to take financial advantage of an incompetent?

This post is my documented opinion.

kaufman organization,sage realty,melvyn kaufman,william kaufman,
kim kaufman,june metz,montez davidson,Moinuddin Sarker,Moin Sarker,
Natural State Research,kaufman astoria studios, james goldsmith